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  • Membership | Angelverein-Pruem

    Mitglied werden im Angelverein Prüm Become a member of the Prüm fishing club If you are interested in joining our association, you will find the membership applications, the statutes and the fee schedule on this page. Application adults Application for youth statute fees

  • Electricfishing | Angelverein-Pruem

    Electric fishing ...what is inside?!? E-fishing is not a method for the lazy angler to recreate the animals, but the most gentle method to get an overview of the species spectrum of a body of water. The exercise is only permitted for appropriately trained persons and also requires official approval for each fishing operation. The devices used are subject to inspection by the TÜV or a qualified electrician at specified intervals and are constantly maintained by us in order to largely exclude hazards . But electric fishing is exactly what it sounds like - electric current flows through the water - which is always potentially dangerous, especially if you wade through the water. However, if you want to manage / maintain a body of water, e-fishing is the most tried and tested means of checking the stock - fish monitoring - in order to plan further measures based on this. In addition to monitoring, e-fishing is also used to catch spawning fish, for purposes of scientific research, to resettle fish during construction work and to determine the extent of fish death. Fish that fall into the effective range of a catchable field are temporarily deprived of the ability to swim in a targeted manner and can then be removed with landing nets. If used properly, the fish will not be harmed and will be back to full agility and vitality within a very short time - usually immediately after switching off the field. In principle (without wanting to go into too much detail) there are two methods of e-fishing related to the way the devices work, that of methods with pulse or direct current. Due to the lower energy consumption, the pulse current method allows a longer distance to be fished because the battery cell is less stressed, but has a higher scaring effect. The direct current method offers the advantage of a more targeted swimming movement towards the anode (the positive pole) - thus the fish can be steered towards a by-catcher in the field, which then catches them. Disadvantages are the higher energy requirements due to the direct current field and any difficulties in "keeping" larger fish. The safe nursery In order to give our small brown trout a good starting position for their start into the wild, we also use e-fishing. In small streams on gravel banks and somewhat deeper pools with enough hiding places, we release our little brown trout to freedom. But even in these small streams, predators are lurking. So that we do not set the table for them, we have to move them now. Locations are targeted where trout can be found that can be dangerous for the little ones. These are then removed, fed to breeding or reintroduced further down the river. This gives the small trout enough time to get used to it and to find hiding places. Because the fish that are released further down rise again in the water. In this way, the loss of broodlings can be somewhat limited and new breeding-fish can be obtained at the same time. The wildlings obtained in this stream are characterized by their rich colors with bright yellow bellies and the sharply defined drawing. After the brook piece has been searched with the e-net, the little ones can move in. As mentioned at the beginning, e-fishing is also used for stock control. The pictures shown here were taken during fishing at the end of April, so minnows were found that had their spawning rash, bullheads, loaches as well as brook lamprey that had already spawned - therefore areas with fine sediment were left out - there are ailerons to be expected (larval stage of the brook lamprey) . Here are the minnows - the male in the spawning dress, to his left 2 "fat" females almost ready to spawn and in the next picture a loach.

  • Project | Angelverein-Pruem

    Bandbreite der Tätigkeit im Projektteil Eifeler Bachforelle Fishing club Prüm 1967 eV Species Conservation Project Eifel brown trout and freshwater pearl mussel SERVICES Insights into project work Spawning & Fertalisation Every December we organize the spawning of the farmed trout in the Litzer pond. Events Hatchery In our hatchery, the fertilized eggs are taken care of until hatching and the trout larvae are fed to the brood learn more Caring for wildlife Not all offspring are involved in the pearl mussel projects, some of them serve to preserve the game populations. learn more Freshwater Pearl Mussel Mussel glochidia come from our project partners - the infection is usually carried out in August. learn more Life cycle ABOUT Breeding station The pond system "In the Litzer" Home of the conservation project The facility has been the heart of trout breeding since 1991, and has been supervised by the Prüm 1967 eV fishing association, especially for the species protection project planned and built by the state of Rhineland-Pfalz. The modernization of the plant has been in progress since 2016 and will adapt the location to the new environmental conditions. Learn more A little insight Arbeiten im Rahmen des Artenschutzes GALLERY

  • Speciesconservation | Angelverein-Pruem

    Warum die heimischen Tiere schützen Project work since 1991 Eifel brown trout and Pearl mussel The starting point Due to the increasing pollution of the waters and the displacement of the brown trout, two species were "on the brink" in Rhineland-Pfalz in the early 1990s. The brown trout (lat. Salmo trutta fario) prefers the fast and turbulent flowing, as well as oxygen-rich and summer-cold upper reaches of rivers. It is a district builder and the leading fish species of the "trout region" named after it. The brown trout hunts its prey, mainly insects, insect larvae living in the water, but also small fish such as minnows, gudgeons or paddocks from the cover of tree roots that protrude into the water or washed-down bank areas. During the spawning season, which extends from late autumn to the winter months, the brown trout migrate upstream to spawn in gravelly areas, sometimes in the smaller side streams. It was found that the brown trout rises to the smallest brooks. In the last century, the brown trout was widespread in all running waters in the trout and grayling region. Spawning areas have been lost or silted up due to water pollution and the technical expansion of small streams, as well as the entry of washed-off arable crumbs in agricultural areas, which has had a negative impact on the breeding success of brown trout and unfortunately still does. So it was no wonder that the brown trout in Rhineland-Palatinate was often found only in smaller stocks and was listed on the Red List in 1987 as a "highly endangered species". On the other hand, a decline in the population and habitat loss was observed in the river pearl mussel as early as 1800. It was not until the end of the 1960s that intensive investigations into the pearl mussel and its rapid decline in population began at several locations. In the years 1985-1987 a comprehensive inventory check of the pearl mussel stocks in the FRG was carried out. It was found that the stocks on the right bank of the Rhine had already expired and the stocks on the left bank of the Rhine only existed at 5 locations, four of which were in the Eifel and one in the Hohen Venn. In 1985 it was decided to take measures to safeguard existence.

  • Anglerklause Restaurant | Angelverein-Pruem

    Vereinsheim und Hüttenbuchung Our clubhouse The Anglerklause at the Willwerath reservoir 360° tour The Anglerklause is located on the east side of the reservoir. The club home of the Angel Club Prüm 1967 eV, built in 1973, is open on many Sundays during the fishing season and is a popular destination not only for anglers but also for hikers and guests of all kinds. A list of open Sundays can be found below. Visit us at the reservoir - the hut is open from 10:00. The Anglerklause can also be rented for private parties / events, on request with service and catering - space for up to 40 people in the interior and for another 20 on the terrace - our hut keeper will be happy to answer your questions. Cabin duty roster

  • Anglerklause Restaurant | Angelverein-Pruem

    Vereinsheim und Hüttenbuchung The Anglerklause at the Willwerath reservoir The Anglerklause is located on the east side of the reservoir. The club home of the Angel Club Prüm 1967 eV, built in 1973, is open on many Sundays during the fishing season and is a popular destination not only for anglers but also for hikers and guests of all kinds. A list of open Sundays can be found below. Visit us at the reservoir - the hut is open from 10:00. The Anglerklause can also be rented for private parties / events, on request with service and catering - space for up to 40 people in the interior and for another 20 on the terrace - our hut keeper will be happy to answer your questions. Eel.png Salmo trutta fario Brown Trout.png (Salmo trutta fario) Bream.png chub.png Grass carp.png pike.png Roach.png Rudd.png Tench.png Tiny Carp.png Mirror Carp.png Zander.png Der Zander (Sander lucioperca) wird maximal etwa 120 cm lang und etwa 20 kg schwer. Der Zander ist ein Süßwasserfisch der Gattung Sander aus der Familie der Echten Barsche (Percidae). Er ist in den Binnengewässern Mittel- und Osteuropas weit verbreitet. Früher reichte sein Verbreitungsgebiet östlich der Elbe über Osteuropa bis zum Aralsee. Im letzten Jahrhundert wurde der Zander auch westlich der Elbe eingebürgert. Er lebt einzeln oder in kleinen Schwärmen und bevorzugt im Gegensatz zum Hecht das uferferne Freiwasser. Der Zander bevorzugt größere, durch Plankton getrübte Fließgewässer (auch stehende Gewässer wie Teiche oder Seen) mit festen Untergründen. Der Zander lebt überwiegend im Süßwasser, kommt aber auch in Brackwasserbereichen (Flussmündungen) der Ostsee vor. Normalerweise lebt dieser Raubfisch bodennah in Wassertiefen von 3 bis 5 Metern, wo er an markanten Bodenformationen (Felsen, Vertiefungen) oder an Spundwänden auf Beute lauert. Bei klarem Wasser zieht sich der Zander in tiefere Wasserschichten zurück. Dank einer reflektierenden Pigmentschicht im Auge (Glasauge) kann der Zander nachts sehr gut sehen. So findet er seine Beute auch bei sehr schwachem Licht. Die Verbreitung des Zanders wird durch Besatzmaßnahmen und die Schaffung von Laichplätzen unterstützt. Bei Sportanglern ist der sehr scheue Zander ein beliebter Zielfisch. Bevorzugte Stellen für den Zanderfang sind z.B. Spundwände, Vertiefungen oder erhöhte Bodenformationen.

  • 360° Tour | Angelverein-Pruem

    Virtueller Rundgang Virtual tour of our facilities On the following pages we enable a virtual tour of the association's facilities. There are currently problems with smartphone support - we are working on it ... For smartphone users, it is possible to move through the 360 ° sphere using motion control or to use VR glasses (can be activated below on the right). Reservoir angler's cottage In the litz Hatchery

  • Aalschutz | Angelverein-Pruem

    Eel-Care During its complex life cycle, the eel is exposed to many adverse influences such as pollution, overfishing of the young eel stocks (glass eels are a delicacy!), Climate change, diseases, parasites and predators. The eel has been on the "Red List" of endangered species since 1987, and today its stocks are considered "highly endangered" mainly because the glacial eel production on the coasts accounted for two to five percent of the amount at the beginning of the 1960s decreased n is. Source SGD - North More on the topic available here!

  • HVB Verfahren | Angelverein-Pruem

    Eine "neue" Art zu Brüten bringt "Altes" hervor The HVB procedure ... brood under High voltage ... back to the past with today's technology ... of the "primeval code" and "waking sleeping genes" The "High Voltage Breeding" (short HVB) is an innovative process in which the fertilized trout eggs are raised in a high voltage field. This experimental procedure is used here (as far as we know) for the first time outside of a laboratory for the cultivation of salmonid eggs. The purpose of the application is to counteract the domestication caused by breeding or degeneration and the production of wild fish-like properties. The basis for the experiments is the use of E-fields on plant seeds to germination, which is largely described on the Internet as the "primeval code method". Which are inspired by the book "Urzeitcode" and the experiments described therein, carried out in Switzerland in the 1980s. A large part of the genome of complex organisms consists of so-called "junk DNA", unused information - the proportion in humans, in JDNA, is over 90%. The impact of the field favors the use of this information contained in the genetic material so that it comes into play in the development of the organism. To test this method, a special hatching channel had to be manufactured, with which it was possible to generate a high-voltage field around the undercurrent boxes. A modified laboratory power supply enables the electrodes to be charged with voltages in the kilovolt range and thus enables very high field densities to be generated. One of the main problems was to isolate such high voltages from the humid environment in the hatchery in order to ensure safe operation - corresponding levels of insulation could be achieved using polymer materials and potting agents. It took around 4 months from the first sketch to the ready-to-use pool. The fish that have been raised with the E-field so far had a higher fertilization / hatching rate, show increased growth and are extremely shy. Due to the pronounced escape reflex, they are particularly suitable for reintroduction and thus to support the stock or to relocate to streams.

  • Overview | Angelverein-Pruem

    Virtual tour of our facilities On the following pages we enable a virtual tour of the association's facilities. There are currently problems with smartphone support - we are working on it ... For smartphone users, it is possible to move through the 360 ° sphere using motion control or to use VR glasses (can be activated below on the right). Reservoir angler's cottage In the litz Hatchery

  • Sponsors & Supporters | Angelverein-Pruem

    Firmen und Betriebe die den Verein in seinem Wirken unterstützen

  • Headlines | Angelverein-Pruem

    Der Angelverein Prüm in den Medien und interessante Inhalte über Gewässer der Region ... headlines SGD - North 25-09-17 SGD Nord: photovoltaic system for the species protection project "Eifel brown trout" - Around 75,000 euros in funding to the fishing club Prüm The state of Rhineland-Palatinate supported the “Eifeler brown trout” conservation project on the Our with around EUR 75,000. With the funds, the fishing club Prüm was able to build a photovoltaic system for ventilation and water circulation of the fish farm "In der Litzer". The Structural and Approval Directorate (SGD) North, as the upper fisheries authority, is responsible for the financial handling of the support. “With the promotion of this measure and with the annual support of the association of 7,500 euros, the state of Rhineland-Palatinate is helping to spread the brown trout and to preserve this endangered species. In addition, the work done by the Prüm fishing association on a voluntary basis can be seen as a trend-setting project for the management of flowing waters, ”said SGD North President Dr. Ulrich Kleemann. In cooperation with the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the pond "In der Litzer" was created for the breeding of the Eifel brook trout and a hatchery was built. The Prüm fishing club has been successfully breeding Eifel brown trout there for 26 years. The endangered animals are raised in the pond and released back after a year. The aim is to stabilize the stock of animals in the streams and rivers of the Eifel. The content-related species conservation project "Preservation of the river pearl mussel" also benefits from the measures of the association. The Eifel brook trout are particularly suitable as host animals for the larvae of the river pearl mussel. The young trout in the pond facilities of the association are infected with the larvae of the pearl mussel and can ripen in the gills of the trout for nine months before they fall off. However, due to the low rainfall in the summer periods of the past few years, the association had to pay very high diesel costs for the pump units used to ventilate the breeding pools of the pond system. In order to avoid the use of expensive diesel fuel, the association carried out a study on the electrification of the pond system. The result led to a self-sufficient photovoltaic system. The procurement of the facility was financed 100 percent by the joint border fisheries commission, which consists of Luxembourg and the federal states of Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. Background: The state of Rhineland-Palatinate supports two related conservation projects in the area of Prüm and in the area of Seving / Dahnen (Our). The “Eifeler brown trout” project promotes the spread of domestic brown trout. The second project is concerned with the "conservation of the river pearl mussel" as the last left Rhine population in Rhineland-Palatinate. The association of Prüm has acquired land for the construction of five fish ponds exclusively for this purpose. Funding was provided by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The "In der Litzer" facility was entrusted to the Prüm fishing association to carry out the conservation projects by lease. SGD - North Weekly mirror 08-09-17 Waters and fish are at risk District of Bitburg / Prüm . Food warnings for fish, species extinction and a decline in stocks spoil fishing fun. Predicament of the farmers Holger Weber, member of the Biersdorf am See municipal council, sees a connection between algal bloom and the enormously increased maize cultivation area, which is particularly susceptible to soil erosion, through which fertilizers and toxins get into the water. Logical conclusion: reduce corn acreage. "That would be the most efficient measure, but it should provide explosives," Weber estimates. After all, agriculture had been lured for years by subsidies for the construction of biogas plants and the associated lucrative maize cultivation. »Subsidy policies and a lack of sales alternatives in the face of low milk and meat prices combined with rising additional costs have steered agriculture in this branch of production and often offer the only chance of survival for the farms.« Bil The Eifel has numerous waters that make you want to go fishing, but what is pulled out of the water is not always safe. In addition, the decline in species tarnishes the pleasure. Authorities issue food warnings, dead fish are floating on the Welschbilligerbach and it is not the first time that poisonous blue-green algae are spreading on the Moselle and the Bitburg reservoir. "It is particularly bad again this year," says Herbert Schneider, fisheries adviser to the Eifel district since 1995. The cause is an excessively high nutrient level in combination with sun exposure, which promotes algae growth. We recently reported that the Eifel was a "fishing paradise" because of its flowing waters and varied areas. "We have very big problems," says Schneider, speaking of eutrophic waters, declining fish stocks and the displacement of native fish species by fish that do not belong here, such as the goby or the catfish. They make pike, zander and perch difficult for survival. The illegal stocking of catfish in Sauer, Our and Mosel will be the subject of the next meeting of the Border Fisheries Commission. Schneider's criticism also focuses on questionable fishing practices. We are talking about "catch an release", ie catching and releasing, which involves fishing for the largest fish possible, in order to be photographed with the capital catch and then to reset the animals - with a low survival rate. "This method of inflicting pain, suffering and damage on fish out of a desire to compete and pure addiction to profiling is a clear violation of the Animal Welfare Act," says Schneider. He also sees worm fishing and spin fishing with triplets critically: This procedure results in severe losses in stocks of young fish, trout and grayling. According to Schneider, individual fish species on Prüm, Nims and Kyll are already threatened with extinction. This includes eel, grayling and nose. In Schneider's opinion, agriculture is also responsible for the decline in fish stocks. If fields bordered directly on water, this would result in sludge being washed in and nutrients such as phosphate and nitrogen getting into the water. Schneider therefore sees a solution in the designation of wide riparian strips to protect the waters from discharges. Over-fertilization is one of the causes The consumption warnings of SGD Nord show how urgently something has to be done for water protection. For fish from the Spangerbach, for example, which runs west of the Spangdahlem base and flows into the Kyll, it is important to eat a maximum of one trout per month. For the kyll fish below Hüttingen there is about the same consumption warning. The cause of these burdens, which also affect the Sauerland border and the Moselle, are in particular contaminated sites caused by military properties. Eating is completely discouraged. Agnes Tillmann-Steinbuß, chairwoman of the BUND district group Bitburg-Prüm, also confirms a clearly noticeable decline in species in the Eifel, which not only affects fish. She blames chemical poisons, climate change, over-fertilization and the use of pesticides for this. She also sees dangers for people from drinking water: "Over-fertilization and soil erosion cause excessive nitrate pollution in the water - these are also dangers for drinking water." The SGD Nord warns of blue-green algae that spread on the Bitburg reservoir and the Moselle. These green streaks are formed by cyanobacteria, which can form harmful substances. Water and bank areas with a clear green color should be avoided. The water of the Bitburg reservoir has been examined. Result: A significant breach of the alarm level that the Federal Environment Agency has set for the chlorophyll concentration. Reinhold Kotz of the Bitburger Land association does not see a short-term solution, even if all nutrient and sediment supply is stopped immediately. An investigation should provide information on where the polluting substances come from. Frey water analysis 05-17 Brohlbach revitalization Ambitious project by Andreas Frey to breathe new life into Brohlbach and Wirrbach brooks, which are dead due to a defective ammonia exchanger. To the report

Fishing Club Prüm 1967 eV | Reservoir Willwerath | Pond system "In der Litzer" 

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last update 01/22/2023

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