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- Approach | Angelverein-Pruem
So finden Sie zu uns, an den Stausse, die Anglerklause oder in die Zuchtstation "In der Litzer" www.angelverein-pruem.de Fishing club Prüm 1967 eV Directions You'll find us here We recommend parking at the Anglerklause - there is always enough space here! You reach the parking lot "Ostufer" at the Anglerklause via the village of Willwerath, turn into the street "Im Auelsecken" and follow the further signs (1x right, 2x left) and you reach the Anglerklause with the large main car park. Coming from the direction of Olzheim Coming from Hermespand (through Willwerath)
- Imprint & Privacy | Angelverein-Pruem
imprint Fishing club Prüm 1967 eV At the reservoir 2 54595 Willwerath E-mail: Represented by: 1st Chairman Ch. Ziwes 2nd Chairman M. Vorderwülbecke Secretary S. Alff Register entry: Registered in the register of associations. Register court: District court Wittlich Register number: VR30198 VAT ID: 10/654/0001/7 Association membership: District - Sport Fishing Association Trier eV Supervisory authority: SGD Nord Anglerklause Willwerath Prüm commune Community code 07-232-296 District of Bitburg-Prüm Business registration Pubs and restaurants from April 1st, 1984 approved 22.02.1984 VG Prüm restaurant license since 04.07.1973 Responsible for the content (according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV): In the Club / Headlines section -SGD North - weekly mirror -Trierian people friend -Frey water analysis Source: Imprint generator from Impressum-Recht.de Please use our contact form www.bsv-trier.de Data protection privacy In the following we would like to inform you about our data protection declaration. Here you will find information about the collection and use of personal data when using our website. We observe the data protection law applicable to Germany. You can access this declaration at any time on our website. We expressly point out that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. when communicating by email) has security gaps and cannot be completely protected against access by third parties. The use of the contact details of our imprint for commercial advertising is expressly not desired, unless we have given our prior written consent or there is already a business relationship. The provider and all persons named on this website hereby object to any commercial use and disclosure of their data. Personal data You can visit our website without providing personal information. Insofar as personal data (such as name, address or email address) is collected on our website, this is done, as far as possible, on a voluntary basis. 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If you use the "Tweet" function of Twitter on our website, the respective website will be linked to your account on Twitter and, if necessary, publicly announced there. This also transfers data to Twitter. We have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data and its use by Twitter. For more information, please consult Twitter's privacy policy: http://twitter.com/privacy Twitter offers you the option of specifying your privacy settings yourself at the following link: http://twitter.com/account/settings . right of providing information You have the right at any time to inquire immediately and free of charge about the data collected about you. You have the right at any time to withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data provided with future effect. For information, please contact the provider using the contact details in the imprint. Source: Imprint generator from Impressum-Recht.de
- Angelverein-Prüm
Angelverein Prüm, Angeln in Willwerath, Aktiver Artenschutz, Nachzucht / Zucht der Eifeler Bachforelle Welcome to Fishing Club Prüm 1967 eV SERVICES ... live and experience nature ... ... fish in the heart of the Eifel ... ... active protection of aquatic wildlife and nature ... SWR Natürlich! televisionreport about the 2018 spawning Watch the video HERE Fishing Permission buy online at Fresh fish for the Ahr (2022) HERE is the report Lake Willwerath Conservation Fishing Permissions Prümbach Fishing Permissions angler's cottage Restaurantscedule Hatchery Pondsystem "In der Litzer" Federal fishing license courses cabin booking - out of duty water quality
- Hatchery | Angelverein-Pruem
hatchery Here is the brood house as a 360 ° picture. The pictures show the current state (December 2018) of the plant in the egg phase. gutters 1 - 3 Counterflow basin, channel 4, static system and incubator
- Beginning | Angelverein-Pruem
Beginn und Fortlauf des Nachzuchtprogrammes für die "Eifeler Bachforelle" aus Wildstämmen The beginning Conservation on behalf of the State of Rhineland-Pfalz Return Artificial reproduction of the "Eifeler brown trout" The fishing association Prüm 1967 eV has been actively protecting species in the form of the offspring of the "Eifel brook trout" since 1991. The University of Mainz (Prof. Dr. Alfred Seitz) carried out the first genetic studies on the importance of the regional brown trout population. When creating a population genetic profile of the "Eifeler brown trout" by Prof. Dr. Arndt Schreiber and Dr. Michael Riffel from Heidelberg University, it turned out that the "Eifel brook trout" - if not different from that of the Rhine catchment area - formed the most homogeneous group of all trout in the Rhine catchment area. In the years that followed, the Prüm Fishing Association 1967 eV stripped many thousands of trout eggs from as many varieties of brown trout as possible from wild stocks and released the trout seedlings it yielded into several previously damaged Eifel streams to preserve the "Eifel brown trout" at a young age. For this purpose, a specially built hatchery is operated, which is fed with 6 ° C cold, surface-independent water. Regular surveys of the populations of the occupied streams have shown that these measures, which are very time-consuming and labor-intensive for the fishing club Prüm 1967 eV, are crowned with success, since the wild brown trout are very true to location and reproduce particularly well. In this way, a self-reproducing stock could be established in many small streams. This is mainly due to the fact that only regional animals are used for breeding - autochthonous stocking - which means that the seedlings are already optimally adapted to their "new" environment through their genetic heritage. The biggest hurdle that stood in the way of breeding success were the scattered, partly unsafe ponds that were leased by the association. At this point, a cooperation agreement was concluded with the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. This included the work in the species conservation project "Eifeler brown trout and river pearl mussel" and as a result the construction of the later pond system "In der Litzer". This contract has existed for more than 25 years and has now led the association to international activity. In addition to the alliance partners in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, the EU life project river pearl mussel, in particular the "Hellef fir d'Natur" in Heinerscheid, also benefit from the work of the association. More about our colleagues from Our at: www.margaritifera.eu
- Hilfe für die Äsche | Angelverein-Pruem
Die Äsche - seltener Flussbewohner The grayling ... ... beautiful and threatened thymallus thymallus ... it is considered to be the most colorful local fish, it is the leading fish of the river region of the "grayling region" and fish of the year 2011. But the "flag bearer" has become a rarity in our waters or has completely disappeared. Grayling stand in the middle water, show no escape behavior and do not seek cover like brown trout would. So they are usually the first to fall prey to the invading cormorants. In most cases, however, water pollution from agriculture and industry, but also the construction of rivers and the associated reduction in shallow water zones, which are indispensable for larvae and juveniles, as well as the warming of the water is a main reason for a decline in stocks. The grayling Thymallus thymallus due to the large, striking dorsal fin also called the flag bearer belongs to the family of salmonids (salmon-like). In many places, committed associations are trying to preserve the species in their waters through stocking measures. However, it is scarcely possible to support established tribes with outside stocking. It is more promising to remove parent animals from existing populations that have already undergone a regional adaptation genetically. By breeding these animals it is possible to rebuild a stock "from below". It is a misconception that the use of adult animals is the right way. These can usually not adapt and contribute little, if any, to the natural reproduction of inventory. The search begins ... ... so it happened that in 2018 we started looking for a source for suitable grayling parents or fertilized eggs. Only a few are dedicated to the breeding of grayling, as a rule, breeders encounter animals that have been imported from Sweden / Denmark, if any statements about their origin are made. Our colleagues from Switzerland recognized the signs of the times and started a breeding program very early on. But after several conversations it was clear that no suitable material could be obtained here either - the Rhine Falls near Neuhausen represent a natural obstacle to hiking and the grayling trunks above and below differ genetically too much to be able to bring them into our waters.
- Galery | Angelverein-Pruem
"Insights" Picture gallery
- Tagesscheine / Ausgabestellen | Angelverein-Pruem
Permits ... and where to get them If you want to go fishing with us, you need a valid federal fishing license and a corresponding permit. In addition to the possibility of obtaining these online from Hejfisch, you can also buy notes on site. You can get day and weekend tickets here during the season: Anglerklause at the reservoir When the hut is open, the roster can be found here: Profi Müller - fur and paw Dausfeld industrial park Jakob-Fugger-Strasse 9 opening hours Mon-Fri: 8.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. Sa .: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. With bait shop, extensive selection of fishing tackle and accessories in the pet department of the market bft gas station Prüm Ritzstrasse 23 opening hours Mon-Sun: 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Day tickets 13, - € Weekend tickets € 24 Feeding is prohibited, with the exception of the feeder basket / feeder rod Season for guest anglers - Sunday after March 15th until the Sunday before October 15th one year. The statutory closed periods and minimum dimensions as well as the regulations on the permit apply. The inspectors and club members appointed by the Prüm angling club must be presented with the papers on request and / or verified via smartphone! DUE TO FLOOD DAMAGE, THE BFT CURRENTLY CANCELED
- Prümbach | Angelverein-Pruem
Angeln in der Prümbach Fließgewässer befischen beim AV Prüm In der Saison 2024 öffnen wir einen Teil unserer Fließgewässerstrecken für die Fischereiliche-Nutzung durch unsere Mitglieder als auch durch Gastangler. Zur Zeit sind wir noch mit der Erfassung der Bestände und der Erstellung der Hegepläne beschäftigt, das Hochwasser 2021 hat die Fischbestände in der Eifel nachhaltig geschädigt und stellt viele Vereine vor große Herausforderungen. Alle Neuigkeiten zum Thema werden hier veröffentlicht.
- Federal Fishing License | Angelverein-Pruem
Your way to Federal fishing license § Courses canceled due to COVID19 !!! Training course for fishermen's exams The Bezirks-Sportfischerverband Trier eV, in cooperation with the fishing club Prüm, offers a course for acquiring them the "state fishermen's examination" at the district administration Bitburg-Prüm. The training courses take place on April 4th, April 18th, April 25th, May 2nd, May 16th. and 30.05. in the club house of the SFV Bitburg 1971 eV in 54634 Bitburg stahl. Training times: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Instructor: Harry Kraft The total costs (including 29, - € examination fee) are for: - Adults from the age of 18 € 179.00 - Young people up to the age of 18 € 129.00 The exam date is 5.6.2020 Binding registration only by transferring the total costs to the account of the: no later than 3 days before the course begins: BSV Trier eV Sparkasse Trier IBAN: DE 57585501300000064535 Purpose: "Course Bitburg" and "Name, first name, place of residence" of the course participant. Young people are admitted to the exam if they have reached the age of 13 by 5 June 2020. Further information on the courses can be found at: www.bsv-trier.de Seminars BSV - Trier
- Kontact | Angelverein-Pruem
....Questions? Contact How to reach us..... Send us a message We try to answer as soon as possible. Surname E-mail address Regarding news Your details have been sent successfully. SEND
- Restaurantscuduele | Angelverein-Pruem
Hüttendienste Smelting services 2022 ..... open on Sundays from 10:00 The Anglerklause is currently closed - there are no hut services.